Terms & Conditions

Please Note: Making a reservation on our website www.tyreboutiqueapartments.com constitutes acceptance of these Terms and conditions.
The Terms and Conditions of the rental as agreed to by the landlord of Tyre Boutique Apartments and the Tenant are as follows:
1- A-The rent covers electricity including hot water, cable TV, internet, garbage pickup, and deep cleaning service once a week. The rent does not cover the gas bottles, and detergent product which are the Tenant’s responsibility and expense.
B- Landlord agrees to furnish door-to-door garbage removal from 7:00am to 10:00 am, 6 days a week, from Saturday to Thursday.
C- Landlord agrees to provide a deep cleaning service once a week, include dusting and washing of all surfaces, wiping the outside of kitchen appliances & cabinets, cleaning inside the fridge and inside the oven, basic cleaning of the bathrooms, vacuuming & mopping of floor and cleaning windows.
2- If Tenant fails to pay the rent in full on the fifth of the month after the rent is due, Tenant will also pay the Landlord a late charge of US Dollar 10, plus US Dollard 10 for each additional day that the rent remains unpaid.
3- The Rental Property is to be used only as a private residence for tenant. Occupancy by guests is prohibited without Landlord’s consent.
For visitor we require pre registration with prior landlord approval
4- No pets of any kind are allowed in the apartment or building at any time.
5- A- Tenant agrees to maintain apartment in a clean and sanitary condition.
B- Tenant shall keep the kitchen stove periodically cleaned and will not cause grease or debris to accumulate thereon.
C-Paper towels, trash, grease, oil, coffee grounds, fibrous materials, feminine hygiene products or disposable diapers must not be flushed down the toilet or drains. Tenant is responsible for blockage to sewer or drain pipes and any overflow of same.
D- Tenants will not varnish, paint, paper, or otherwise decorate any walls, floors, doors, woodwork, or cabinets without prior permission of Landlord.
E- The Tenant shall provide the Landlord with prompt notice of any maintenance problems so that necessary repairs can be made in a timely manner.
F- Tenants will pay for all damages to premises, appliances and furnishings caused by himself, his guests or others not under the landlord’s control.
6- The Tenant agrees that he/she/they will not breach the covenant of quiet enjoyment for the other tenants and/or neighbors. Tenant agrees not to make or permit any disturbing noises (e.g. hooting, yelling, shouting, singing, music). Lessee shall keep the volume of any guests, radio, stereo, television, CD, musical instrument, or any other piece of equipment which emits sound sufficiently reduced so as not to disturb nearby residents, in accordance with local noise ordinances.
7- The Tenant undertakes to give the Landlord access to the apartment for maintenance and cleaning services.
The Landlord has its own key which can be used in such cases.